
Belgian Hot Chocolate is the best!

Belgian Hot Chocolate is the best!

I don’t drink coffee, or tea.

I don’t mind hot chocolate, but I only really drink it to be social. I like coke zero, my sole source of caffeine, but I only crack open the bubbles when I’m really tired because the sugar / aspartame is supposed to be bad for you (so, about 11am every morning!).

Because I don’t drink tea or coffee, I also don’t make it very well – be warned. I can boil the kettle for you, get the tea or coffee out of the cupboard, find the milk and a spoon for the sugar. But if I put it together in a cup, you won’t end up drinking it!

But what I do like, is chocolate.

Chocolate is my writery foible. It makes you feel good (probably because it contains naturally occurring chemical compounds (alkaloids) that have physiological effects in humans, like cocaine and morphine!). Sometimes I find myself addicted to chocolate and I have to go without it for a few weeks to reboot and gain control. Otherwise I’d eat it every day. The serotonin levels in my brain just love it soooo much!

If I look on the right websites, I can sometimes convince myself that chocolate is good for me, because of the antioxidants it contains. I do like Lindt Orange Intense, a dark chocolate infused with orange essence and almond flakes.

I also like Maltesers and Ferrero Rocher.

Want to discover what chocolate has helped me to write? Just click here.

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