This week I’m over on the Northern Beaches Mums’ website talking about the power of creativity, children and how it will save their future. Creativity is crucial for raising the next generation of innovators whose mindset and problem-solving skills will solve today’s (and tomorrow’s) greatest challenges. Here’s my article:
Have a read and let me know what you think! After all…
…we all have the capacity for creative thinking, and like a muscle it can be exercised. Children can easily deduce the word ‘creativity’ from kri-ei-tiviti because they don’t have the ‘burden of wisdom’ that gives adults ‘functional fixedness’, which prevents them from solving problems in a creative way. However, it’s a skill that can be nurtured and developed, as long as we first accept it’s a skill that needs development. Just like soccer and ballet, we can’t expect to walk onto a pitch or stage and perform well without practice.
If you’d like to read more, the rest of my article is over here!
Such a timely article as I’m helping my daughter choose subjects for her future employment (and enjoyment). Thank you!
Thank *you* for reading! Creativity is the future!