Into Tordon

MG Novel – co-authored – Science Fantasy – ISBN: 9781925227147

Only Champions Dare To Enter!

Thirteen-year-old Beth has been waiting for weeks to play in the championship of her favourite online game, Tordon. Now tribes of beastmen roar through her speakers. Game on! She plays to win, until her gaming nemesis Zane challenges her to a real-life risk that has them sucked into a strange world. Here they must push their skills to the limit just to survive!

Faced with riddles, a multitude of dangerous creatures, exotic cultures and scientific impossibilities, Beth and Zane are forced to take on challenge after challenge if they’re ever to return home.

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Thanks to MidnightSun Publishing and Scholastic Into Tordon should be available in all good bookstores – search or ask your preferred vendor using the above author, title and ISBN.

What they’re saying…

“It’s like Harry Potter on steroids!” Susanne Gervay, author ‘I am Jack’

“This is an impressive debut… The narrative doesn’t falter, and middle-grade readers will delight at how quickly they are thrown into the action of the story… Into Tordon is a pacy, exciting read that middle-grade readers will love getting sucked into.” Bec Kavanagh, Books+Publishing Review

“Into Tordon is an exciting read. Fast-paced, fun and clever… But this book isn’t all action and adventure. The two teens begin with preconceived notions of each other and as they journey… They each find a strength to themselves they didn’t know they had… Into Tordon is a book perfect for middle grade readers looking for an adventure with no romance. It’s fun and exciting with readers never quite knowing what to expect next.” Kate, Fictional Thoughts

“A timely book aimed at a young audience reminding them that girls can be champions too… The story is fast-paced and exciting…” Verushka Byrow, The Children’s Book Council of Australia, Reading Time.

“Beginning with an adrenalin-pumping computer-gaming championship, Into Tordon throws its 13-year-old main characters into a real-life scenario that is as full of risk, riddles and threats as any computer game – or is it, in fact, a computer game? It takes Beth and her antagonistic rival Zane through a fascinating range of cultures and other-worldly scenarios as life-threatening situations and brain-teasing mysteries forge a bond of mutual dependency that grows gradually into Beth and Zane’s firm friendship… full of sudden twists and intriguing turns.” Katharine England, SA Weekend, Well Read.

“The action and adventure in this story keeps the reader on their toes. Surviving being eaten by a large snake being one obstacle to overcome. This is a great read for kids aged 9-14 years and will suit both boys and girls to match the two main characters… Enjoy this action packed adventure.” Melinda McNaughton, Creative Kids Tales.

Teachers’ Notes

Teachers’ notes are available, and cover the key curriculum areas of: English, Arts, History, Computers/Technology, and Music. Its general capabilities are: literacy, creative and critical thinking, intercultural understanding, problem solving, ethical understanding. Studying this book in class can:
• Provide a discussion point for issues around friendship, family, safe use of technology, moral dilemmas, environment, sustainability, and differences in culture and tradition.
• Examine speculative fiction writing.
• Encourage imaginative writing and worldbuilding.
• Examples of creative thinking, conflict resolution and problem solving.
• Analyse language use and how it can create different moods and tension.

If you haven’t received your teachers’ notes, please just get in contact.


Zena Shapter (Author, Editor, Editor-in-Chief), Zoya Nojin (Author, Editor), Leah Boonthanom (Author), Tracey Jackson (Author), Tony McFadden (Author), Liz Michell (Author), Mijmark (Author), Kristin Prescott (Author) and Kirsten Taylor (Author).











Zena Shapter

Zena Shapter writes from a castle in a flying city hidden by a thundercloud, reaching across age and genre into the heart of storytelling. A multi-award-winning author of speculative and contemporary fiction, she teaches writing at festivals, libraries and schools, judges various literary awards, mentors and edits other writers, and encourages everyone to value the importance of creativity. She loves movies, frogs, chocolate, and potatoes, though not at the same time!

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