Where Writers Write

We all have our favourite places to write. Some of us like comfy couchs and warm fires, others like the local café or park. Most of us also have a desk somewhere, either buried under piles of something or organized and clean.

Me? I have a desk… but I don’t write there. I love it because there are little bits of me scattered all over it – a talking dalek, Doctor Who’s sonic screwdriver and a TARDIS-USB-hub, some roses Hubbie gave me last year now dried and in a fancy jar, a couple of fluffy frogs, a photo of Hubbie and I on a posh boat speeding under the Harbour Bridge, a mosaic tile from Jordon that I use as a coaster… curiously, no photos of the kids (though perhaps other parents can understand why!!). Above my desk is a painting by my Dad and memorabilia from a couple of writing awards. It’s a very me-space and I love it. I do all my rewriting and editing there. Wanna see it? Okay then…

My beautiful desk!

My beautiful desk!

Pressies from Hubbie…

Pressies from Hubbie.

Exterminate… exterminate…

My beautiful desk lives in a study nook at the end of our hallway…

My hallway study nook...

My hallway study nook…

This means I have no door I can close… but at least my lovely bookshelves are there for all to admire…



As for actual writing, I like to get away from my desk for that, because my desk comes with a darkly interesting and fast internet connection! So – to create – I put my feet up in the lounge…

No internet to tempt me here!

No internet to tempt me here!


What about other writers, though, where do you suppose they write?

Well, I wanted to find out… so I asked them! Now you get to see too. For every day in August and a bit of September, I’m going to post a photograph of a different author’s desk or writing space. Who in particular?

Well, here’s a list! (NB. photos probably won’t appear alphabetically)

Alan Baxter
Aleesah Darlison
Angela Slatter
Bruce Lyman
Cat Sparks
Charlotte Wood
Claire Corbett
Claire Scobie
David Henley
Deb Kalin
Donna Maree Hanson
Duncan Lay
Felicity Pullman
Fleur McDonald
Graham Storrs
Greg Barron
Ian Irvine
Jason Fischer
Jason Nahrung
Jennifer Fallon
Jo Anderton
Kaaron Warren
Karen Miller
Kate Forsyth
Kim Falconer
Kirsten Krauth
Kirsten Tranter
Kirstyn McDermott
Kylie Scott
Lee Battersby
Lisa L Hannett
Margo Lanagan
Marianne de Pierres
Michael Pryor
MJ Hearle
Nansi Kunze
Nicole Murphy
Nina D’Aleo
Pamela Freeman
Patty Jansen
PM Newton
Richard Harland
Rowena Cory Daniells
Sean Williams
Tansy Rayner Roberts
Terry Dowling
Trent Jamieson
Trudi Canavan
Walter Mason
Zena Shapter (me!)

Wow – aren’t we lucky that all these wonderful authors are sharing photos of their writing space with us. Thank you, wonderful authors!

Now… Bring it on, August!!

Zena Shapter

Zena Shapter writes from a castle in a flying city hidden by a thundercloud, reaching across age and genre into the heart of storytelling. A multi-award-winning author of speculative and contemporary fiction, she teaches writing at festivals, libraries and schools, judges various literary awards, mentors and edits other writers, and encourages everyone to value the importance of creativity. She loves movies, frogs, chocolate, and potatoes, though not at the same time!


  1. Nice space. I also like to be out in the living area with noice and and a little chaos even. Cannot work behind closed doors at all. I keep wondering what’s happening outside! Great series.

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