Peeking into the writing space of @PattyJansen #WhereWritersWrite

The writing space of Patty Jansen.

The writing space of Patty Jansen.

Who writes here?

Patty Jansen

Who’s that?

Patty Jansen is the author of science fiction novels Watcher’s Web, The Far Horizon, Charlotte’s Army, Fire & Ice, Dust & Rain and Blood & Tears (otherwise known as the Icefire Trilogy). She has had short stories published in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Aurealis, Redstone SF and the Universe Annex of the Grantville Gazette. She is a winner of the international Writers of the Future contest and has ‘indie’ published a number of longer works. Patty has a PhD in science, and before becoming a writer, worked in agricultural research. Her novel Ambassador will soon be published by Ticonderoga Publication.

Where can I read more about this fabulous author? 

Extra Notes:

A bit of explanation, if I may:

The “bush” outside the window is our front yard, all of which I planted about ten years ago. The yard was desiccated grass back then. Note the spear on the grass tree. It was a present from my mother and has been reversed-over by learner-drivers several times. This thing is like a phoenix.

Note red P-plates on the car. Since taking this picture, both my girls are now on greens. The grass tree is safe until my son starts to learn to reverse down the driveway.

In the shade of the car port there is a pond that contains some VERY LOUD frogs. The bush behind the pond houses bandicoots and the occasional snake. There are also a resident pair of bush turkeys that dig around in the garden. Yeah, I bet all the posh neighbours love our bush! /sarcasm

Shade on the driveway is courtesy of the neighbour’s jacaranda tree. I spend the entire month of October daily sweeping the driveway, because it gets so slippery that cars won’t go up it when it’s raining.

On my desk, notice the Kobo Touch and notice the distinct absence of cats.

Whose writing space can we see tomorrow?

Jason Fischer

Want to share a photo of your own writing space?

Pop it onto my Facebook page for all to see! I’ve enabled external posting of photos on my page just for the duration of this blog series.

Zena Shapter

Zena Shapter writes from a castle in a flying city hidden by a thundercloud, reaching across age and genre into the heart of storytelling. A multi-award-winning author of speculative and contemporary fiction, she teaches writing at festivals, libraries and schools, judges various literary awards, mentors and edits other writers, and encourages everyone to value the importance of creativity. She loves movies, frogs, chocolate, and potatoes, though not at the same time!

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