What’s in a Name?

This month, editor extraordinaire of Women’s Ink Magazine Jacqui Brown invited five authors – including me! – to talk about how we name our characters. Kristin Darell, who co-authored Into Tordon with me, was also featured; as was Valerie Pybus, Anne Benjamin and Australia’s climate fiction queen Cat Sparks. Our…

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#WomensHistoryMonth Work-Life Balance @GillianPolack

It’s ‘Women’s History Month’! So the gracious Gillian Polack invited me to consider how we’re living through ‘epoch-changing times’ in which ‘all of us are making history’, and I put my mind to thinking how the experiences of the last few years have affected my work-life balance. The results of…

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Movies & Potatoes

Every so often, I review my website. I refine or simplify pages, information and/or portfolio items; I look at what can be deleted and at what’s missing. In a review I conducted last month, I was horrified to see I had failed to include biographical information about two of my…

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Why I Love Libraries #LibraryLoversDay

‘Library Lovers Day’ is next week, and so the good people at Australia Reads (where I am honoured to be an ambassador), sent me a text meme to celebrate. It made me think: why do I love libraries? A deluge of memories flooded into a list of 18 reasons I…

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Sunshine Through The Rain #2022

It’s raining today. The forecast over the next few days is also for rain, on and off. There is a single day of ‘sun’. It feels like a metaphor for 2021, searching through time for the brightness among the drab, for the fun among the dreary. In my first blog…

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Culture Map Live @BeachesCouncil

Visibility is a key component of any business – including cultural and creative ones! So my fabulous local council has created a map of the local area, pinpointing all things creative and cultural on the Northern Beaches: ‘Culture Map Live‘. I’m thrilled to be included on the map as an author,…

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