‘Of Beasts & Butterflies’ – Launched by @ZaliSteggall!

Happy Book Day! Congratulations to all the fine writers included in the latest NBWG anthology, ‘Of Beasts & Butterflies’, launched on Saturday by our local Federal MP Zali Steggall! It’s an anthology of reimagined fairytales for a modern Australia, and I had the honour of being the anthology’s Editor-in-Chief, as…

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5 Tips for Young Writers 2019 @mosmanlibrary #MYAL

Last night I gave my judge’s report at the Mosman Literary Awards 2019, held at Mosman’s Barry O’Keefe Library. This annual prose and poetry competition attracts budding writers, poets and playwrights from schools across the state, all of whom compete for a share in the $2,000 prize pool. I’m the…

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Kri-ei-tiviti for your child’s future!

This week I’m over on the Northern Beaches Mums’ website talking about the power of creativity, children and how it will save their future. Creativity is crucial for raising the next generation of innovators whose mindset and problem-solving skills will solve today’s (and tomorrow’s) greatest challenges. Here’s my article: Have…

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A Poem for the Trees – saving nature with art

Last week, I had the pleasure of working with local artist-in-residence and forest ambassador Gloria Florez. As part of her six-month artist residency at the Eramboo Artist Environment, sponsored by Northern Beaches Council, she’s been using sustainable printmaking methods and unique handmade paper techniques to create an artist book and…

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The Process of Judging Art & Words

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had the absolute honour to judge the inaugural ‘Art & Words Project’. You can read more about how I instigated the project with my local council over here. Congratulations to all the entrants who made it into the top twelve artists and top twelve…

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