Kri-ei-tiviti for your child’s future!

This week I’m over on the Northern Beaches Mums’ website talking about the power of creativity, children and how it will save their future. Creativity is crucial for raising the next generation of innovators whose mindset and problem-solving skills will solve today’s (and tomorrow’s) greatest challenges. Here’s my article: Have…

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Are You Afraid of Technology?

According to Business Insider, thousands of Swedish people recently embedded grain-sized microchips under their skin to replace ID cards. Following the trend of wearable technology and interconnected devices like watches and rings, the idea is to make people’s daily lives easier – users can waft a hand over a machine…

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A Poem for the Trees – saving nature with art

Last week, I had the pleasure of working with local artist-in-residence and forest ambassador Gloria Florez. As part of her six-month artist residency at the Eramboo Artist Environment, sponsored by Northern Beaches Council, she’s been using sustainable printmaking methods and unique handmade paper techniques to create an artist book and…

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How To Increase Your Community’s Creativity

Last week, I was at the Glen Street Theatre talking on a panel discussing community art and creativity. I was joined by fellow passionate community creatives: public artist Greg Stonehouse, architect and illustrator Miguel Gonzalez, and Aboriginal art advocate Aunty Clair Jackson. Our task was to read and comment on…

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When Death Snaps At Our Heels

Life can be over in an instant. Last Tuesday, I almost lost mine. If it wasn’t for a lucky moment or two, I would have smashed into the rocks at Manly’s South Steyne and drowned. Poetically, this was the same day I blogged about loving nature, because it helped me…

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