As some of you may recall, I was on the radio last month talking about my writing. It went so well, I was invited back a few weeks later to critique some writing by others. The radio show Ringside is usually broadcast at 10am on Sundays, so I know a lot of you missed my appearances. Luckily for you – I asked for the broadcast files and got them. Now here they are!
Zena Shapter Interview
This interview was first broadcast on 12th August 2012. With the music stripped out, it’s now a short 11-minute listen. Why not play it as you check your next email?!
You could listen to me read from my short story Trigger (published last year by the Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild), then talk about the role social media can play for aspiring writers, about the critique group I founded (the Northern Beaches Writers’ Group – see below), and how I like to explore the commonality of humankind through speculative fiction.
Northern Beaches Writers’ Group Critique Show
This critique session was first broadcast on 9th September 2012. At 42-minutes, it’s a longer listen. But in it we cover a couple of critiques, the author Kourosh Keshavarz talks about finite numbers of friends, and I read from one of my favourite books: The Road by Cormac McCarthy.
The critiques we cover are Presque Vu by Mijmark and Die Dollar Die by Robert Salisbury. I don’t have a copy of Robert’s piece, but if you want to follow Mijmark’s as he reads it aloud, it’s here: PresqueVu.
The voices you hear include me, Rodney Timm, Tania Crivellenti (who also read aloud some of her writing, though it wasn’t captured on the broadcast file), Mijmark, Robert Salisbury (radio host) and Kourosh Keshavarz. Here are some photos of everyone:
Thank you, Robert Salisbury, for inviting me to talk on your radio show. It was oodles of fun!