‘Of Beasts & Butterflies’ – Launched by @ZaliSteggall!

Happy Book Day! Congratulations to all the fine writers included in the latest NBWG anthology, ‘Of Beasts & Butterflies’, launched on Saturday by our local Federal MP Zali Steggall! It’s an anthology of reimagined fairytales for a modern Australia, and I had the honour of being the anthology’s Editor-in-Chief, as well as writing a story for it! What fun!

The anthology features stories inspired by familiar tales such as Cinderella, Narcissist, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, and Little Red Riding Hood; as well as the unfamiliar tales of The Lovers Who Became Butterflies, The Little Fairy Sister, In A Thousand Years Hence, and The Shepherdess & the Chimney Sweep.

Once upon a time, fairytales were magical, enchanting tales where anything could happen, and the real world often met the supernatural with a creative spark that captured our imaginations. Often intended for or featuring children, they were handed down from storyteller to storyteller, and many have been adapted and retold countless times.

Of Beasts & Butterflies’ is no exception, and I’d like to thank the authors who contributed, for running with my idea to create a broad range of reimagined tales not for children!

Their generous imaginations, creativity, and collaborative spirit has produced a fascinating and delightful anthology of original stories. Well done: Phil Burgin, Azmeena Kelly, Tara Ray, Joanna Mawson-Lee, Susan Steggall, Mijmark, Suzi Green, Rodney Jensen, Bronwen Bowden, Claire Hampson and Sonia Zadro!

The launch was a simple and fun afternoon. I gave a little speech, then so did Zali, we enjoyed an author reading by Susan Steggall, then we all celebrated with some delicious snacks…

Thank you to our sub-editors who gave up their valuable time to read and edit stories, often multiple times: Phil Burgin, Suzi Green, Megan Holbeck, Azmeena Kelly, Joanna Mawson-Lee, Tony McFadden, Mijmark, Tara Ray, Rose Saltman, and Susan Steggall. Thanks also to our exceptional proofreaders who gave up their valuable time to hunt for typos: Rodney Jensen, Rebecca King, Campbell McConachie, Tara Ray, Howard Reid, Rose Saltman, Amy Spurling, and Susan Steggall.

Finally, I’m sure everyone would like to thank their friends and families for their support, as I would like to thank mine – your support and acceptance are the backbone to everything I do. You know how I love books!

‘Of Beasts & Butterflies’ is now available for sale at most online bookstores, as well as through the NBWG over here.

Zena Shapter

Zena Shapter writes from a castle in a flying city hidden by a thundercloud, reaching across age and genre into the heart of storytelling. A multi-award-winning author of speculative and contemporary fiction, she teaches writing at festivals, libraries and schools, judges various literary awards, mentors and edits other writers, and encourages everyone to value the importance of creativity. She loves movies, frogs, chocolate, and potatoes, though not at the same time!

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