Remembering When With @MosmanCouncil

Yay! Earlier this week the ‘Remembering When’ anthology I edited was finally launched after months of planning, editing, text and book cover layout, and printing. Woot, woot!

Remembering When in the garden!

The idea for the book came from a conversation with Fiona Russell who, while working at Mosman Seniors Centre, was inspired to help older adults feel more valued – why not through the celebration of their stories in a book?!

With support from Mosman Council, Mosman Community Care, and the Mosman Rotary Club, the theme was to be the local council area of Mosman. Fantastic! Seniors were contacted far and wide through our various networks, calling for stories, poems and artworks about Mosman. Some were interviewed and their entries transcribed; others wrote and submitted their own. It was my privilege to edit and prepare their words for print.

From domestic details such as grocers writing down household orders at the kitchen table, to memories of transport with trams and ferries, to military endeavours during wartime, the anthology paints such a colourful and meaningful picture of the past, it is one to truly treasure.

My personal experience of the value of generational stories comes from the fact that my dad was fifty when I was born, so in his seventies when I graduated from university. He was so proud of me. My honours degree in English Literature was the highest form of education anyone in our family had achieved. Born in the 30s Depression, his had been a different life. He left school at fourteen to work in a fish ‘n’ chip shop, served in the navy during World War II, worked his way up to become a hotelier then lost everything in the 80s recession, so had to work well into his eighties. He knew tough times. He knew all kinds of times. And I listened to his stories.

The stories of our past can be gone in an instant, yet hold so much wisdom. Technology changes, systems change, leaders change – but in our stories there are glints and hints about who we are as human beings, and who we want to be. For this I’m truly glad I listened to my dad when I had the chance; and I’m exceedingly grateful for every precious word in this anthology, not just because they chronicle events or places, but because in them I can see us, I can see myself, I can see us all.

Thank you Fiona for your passionate support of creative work. Thank you to Mosman Rotary for their generous funding, to the entire Mosman Community Care team and Mosman Council for their professional support. It has been an honour to collaborate with you all!

Congratulations to each of the contributors for their astounding achievement!

Zena Shapter

Zena Shapter writes from a castle in a flying city hidden by a thundercloud, reaching across age and genre into the heart of storytelling. A multi-award-winning author of speculative and contemporary fiction, she teaches writing at festivals, libraries and schools, judges various literary awards, mentors and edits other writers, and encourages everyone to value the importance of creativity. She loves movies, frogs, chocolate, and potatoes, though not at the same time!


  1. Hi Zena, The launch of ‘Remembering When’ went well. It was a lovely occasion and I think it’s a delightful little book. I’ve very much enjoyed the stories, which have evoked more memories for me. I really enjoyed writing for it too.

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