You’re invited to the launch of Z.F. Kingbolt’s #IntoTordon!!

zena-shapter-zf-kingbolt-tordon-launch-inviteSave the date!
Friday 21st October, 6pm!

It’s when the wonderful Susanne Gervay will launch my joint alter ego, Z.F. Kingbolt at Berkelouw Books in Balgowlah. See invite!

I created the identity of Z.F. Kingbolt with a bunch of writer friends specifically to engage readers between 8-14yrs and Into Tordon is the result.

Inspired by the popularity of Minecraft, it’s the book that will get young gamers reading! It’s the book that will teach readers about acceptance, friendship and tolerance. It’s also a lot of fun!

Here’s the blurb:

Only champions dare to enter!

Thirteen-year-old Beth has been waiting for weeks to play in the championship of her favourite online game, Tordon. Now tribes of beastmen roar through her speakers. Game on!

She plays to win, until her gaming nemesis Zane challenges her to a real-life risk that has them sucked into a strange world. Here they must push their skills to the limit just to survive!

Faced with riddles, a multitude of dangerous creatures, exotic cultures and scientific impossibilities, Beth and Zane must take on challenge after challenge if they’re ever to return home.

zena-shapter-zf-kingbolt-into-tordon-books-publishing-reviewBacked by wonderful publishers MidnightSun, Into Tordon is already getting a positive response. Featured in its magazine reviews, Books & Publishing call it:

A pacy exciting read that middle-grade readers will love getting sucked into.

Z.F. Kingbolt has a website over here, will have a SCBWI Book Blast page as from 10th October, and is already available for pre-order at:

An advert for Into Tordon even came up in my email account the other day. It’s so exciting when you see your book out in the wild! After its launch, Into Tordon will be sent by Scholastic into 1,100 Aussie primary schools and it will be seen in the wild everywhere! So exciting! Come celebrate with me!!

RSVP by 10/10/16 to: ‘contact [at] ZFKingbolt [dot] com’





Zena Shapter

Zena Shapter writes from a castle in a flying city hidden by a thundercloud, reaching across age and genre into the heart of storytelling. A multi-award-winning author of speculative and contemporary fiction, she teaches writing at festivals, libraries and schools, judges various literary awards, mentors and edits other writers, and encourages everyone to value the importance of creativity. She loves movies, frogs, chocolate, and potatoes, though not at the same time!

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