When Dark Waters Burn

YA Novel (suitable for all adults, 13yrs+) – Science Fantasy – ISBN: 9781922858627

Stay out of sight. Stay hidden under the lake. Even as giant water-ants scout the surface, and deadly trees slop their hungry roots along the shoreline. For unrest surges in the swamps, getting closer and closer… Sala will only be safe for as long as their ship’s location remains a secret.

But when a horrifying threat ignites close to home, and the lakeside hillfarms are forced to reveal a desperate truth, it unleashes a wreckage of terror and destruction on the world of Palude. What Sala fears most becomes irrelevant. All she can do is run, and make one irrevocable choice after another. If she’s to have any kind of future, she must fight to accept the collapse of her past.

Hiding from it was never an option.

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WORLD BUY IT HERE: print – MidnightSun Publishing | ebook – to come

AUSTRALIANS BUY IT HERE: print & ebook – Booktopia | Amazon.com.au | print – to come

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What they’re saying…

When Dark Waters Burn held me captive from page one! This engaging, action-packed fantasy world will appeal equally to lovers of fantasy and science fiction. Five out of five stars.’ USA Today Bestselling Author Dionne Lister

‘A timely epic futuristic quest, fast paced and absorbing, with a slow burn romance that will leave readers wanting more. Readers will be gripped by this thrilling and immersive tale from one of Australia’s most exciting and inventive writers.’ CBCA Notable author Pip Harry

‘A fascinating and utterly original world; a great adventure.’ Ian Irvine, bestselling author of the Three Worlds fantasy sequence.

A little video of me getting my book contract for the novel (can you guess what time of year this was?!).

Zena Shapter

Zena Shapter writes from a castle in a flying city hidden by a thundercloud, reaching across age and genre into the heart of storytelling. A multi-award-winning author of speculative and contemporary fiction, she teaches writing at festivals, libraries and schools, judges various literary awards, mentors and edits other writers, and encourages everyone to value the importance of creativity. She loves movies, frogs, chocolate, and potatoes, though not at the same time!

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