It’s a brave time to be publishing books with Covid-19 uncertainties rife all around the world. So I wanted to give a special shout out to some of the amazing Australian authors who I’ve helped published in 2020 – either with a book layout, an edit, mentoring, or all of the above!

Throughout 2020, most of us have faced loss of income and health fears. In addition to this, authors have also had to endure a sense of creative hopelessness, with commercial publishers and literary agents taking the understandably cautious decision to close their doors to new authors, and/or be highly selective which books they publish. Most likely, even once doors are flung wide open again, great selectivity will naturally continue, with few publishers keen on the risk-taking required to publish certain types of books or authors.
Yet the authors whose book covers are in my image have fought through their fears, braced hopelessness against the knowledge that readers are still reading and want new content, and they have taken a chance that their book might fill the gap. I cannot praise them enough! In fact, I believe they’re inspirational – hence this blog post, to inspire others!
Whatever it is you’re trying to do right now to further your career, passions, or hobbies – keep doing it! We’re all in this together, and we all appreciate the challenges these uncertain times have brought to motivation and dedication. But don’t stop! You can do this! If these authors can, you can too! In fact, some of these authors actually used the last few months to write their final sentences, tweak their last edits, and thus flip a downside year upwards. With the pandemic continuing, perhaps there’s time yet for you to do the same?
Congratulations, authors! And thank you for using my Creative Support services to achieve your admirable writing goals!!
What a fab and very generous blog thank you Zena. You are such a wonderful and supportive mentor, and that’s why we get our writing finished with love!!
Victoria xx
Aw, thank you Victoria – I love books!!!