Sometimes trying to find your mojo in life can be a bit of a struggle. We’re not all raised by perfect parents with modern privileges and a contented soul, and it can be hard to reconcile that. Reconciliation is within reach, however, for all of us. It’s taken me until my thirties to find contentment, but now that I have it I don’t care how long it took to find – only that it’s finally mine.
You deserve contentment too. We all do.
So, because it’s national “R U OK?” day here in Australia, I went through my contact list this morning looking for discontented friends who might need a call today. Luckily, I couldn’t find anyone needing my help! So I thought I’d try to help you instead – with the simple 3-step process that helped me find my own life-mojo…
All* you have to do is ask yourself three questions (*yes, I know this can be harder than it looks):
1. What is it that my life is missing?
This could be the right life partner, the ability to put the past to rest, confidence in yourself, or a general sense of harmony between you and the world. Whatever it is, it’s so important to know what you’re fighting for it’s worth spending as much time as you need to identify it.
2. What am I currently doing to find and fit that missing piece of the puzzle into my life?
I hope you’re doing something – because if you’re not, you’re doing nothing! Life is what you make of it, so reach out and battle through – don’t give up. Your life-mojo could be just around the corner!
3. What else could I do?
So you’re trying – but the steps you’re currently taking towards happiness possibly aren’t working. It’s time to try something new! Brainstorm with a friend, or a stranger, and formulate a plan. Message me your phone number if you like and I’ll brainstorm with you. I’ve been there, done it, bought the t-shirt, then burnt it and danced around the flames. Now I’m here to help if you need it.
In a couple of weeks, I’ll also be leading a FREE Writing Workshop for Teens, designed to help teenagers going through tough times. I know what that feels like, so can’t wait to help others now that I’m on the other side. If you know of any teens who might be interested, please forward this link to them:
And if everything’s okay with you today, go through your own contact list as I did this morning and see if there’s someone you can call to check on – sometimes just knowing someone cares is enough to pull you back from the edge.
Don’t know how to start that conversation?
Then go to the RUOK website for a step-by-step pictorial guide on how to start the conversation that might just save a life:
Take care, everyone!
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