What Music Inspires Bruce Lyman @Pickledeel #InspirationalMusic

Who is Bruce Lyman?

Bruce_KBruce lives in Sydney without a view of the Harbour or the Bridge but, despite these shortcomings and his rural roots, is a devotee of this city. He was a parade ground dodger in the military for more years than he cares to remember, spent time in diplomatic circles working for Gareth Evans and more than a decade building a small business which started in a daughter’s bedroom, complete with Blue Tongue Lizard, and which ended up on the ASX. The business that is, not the lizard. He is a keen alpinist and rock climber, spends as much time outdoors and travelling as possible and enjoys working in extreme environments. He has just returned from Afghanistan where he was working for a private firm and living in the suburbs of Kabul. He is a keen creative writer. His travels to Iraq in 2007 in the middle of ‘the Surge’ became the basis of “Flowers of Baghdad”, a well-received novel based on the lives of ordinary Iraqi folk he met on that visit. “Flowers of Baghdad” is being published in Turkey in 2015.

Where can I read more about this fabulous author?


What music do they like?

One Republic track Love Runs Out is getting some air time with me at the moment, and was a theme song for my climb of Ama Dablam in Nepal last November:

For a better resolution of this video, see the Vimeo version.

Zena Shapter

Zena Shapter writes from a castle in a flying city hidden by a thundercloud, reaching across age and genre into the heart of storytelling. A multi-award-winning author of speculative and contemporary fiction, she teaches writing at festivals, libraries and schools, judges various literary awards, mentors and edits other writers, and encourages everyone to value the importance of creativity. She loves movies, frogs, chocolate, and potatoes, though not at the same time!

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