What Music Inspires @MartinLivings #InspirationalMusic

Who is Martin Livings?

image003Perth-based writer Martin Livings has had over eighty short stories in a variety of magazines and anthologies over the past two decades. His first novel, Carnies, was published by Hachette Livre in 2006, and was nominated for both the Aurealis and Ditmar awards, and has recently been republished in an updated format by Cohesion Press.

Where can I read more about this fabulous author?


What music do they like?

I have to say, I don’t really write to music, I find it way too distracting. Even instrumental music doesn’t help me, as I find myself wanting to go off and grab my guitar and play along. So there’s not much music that’s inspiring me at the moment. But if there’s something that’s constantly going through my head, something that makes me aspire to be a better wordsmith, it’s the work of Tim Minchin. Both musically and lyrically he always blows me away. He’s the foul-mouthed atheist pianist-poet for the 21st century, in my books. And if I had to pick one piece of his work that inspires me, it’d be Storm, his nine minute beat poem, which I’ve been teaching myself to recite by heart for about a year now and ALMOST have down pat. I could link to the animated movie of the piece, but I actually prefer this live version:

Zena Shapter

Zena Shapter writes from a castle in a flying city hidden by a thundercloud, reaching across age and genre into the heart of storytelling. A multi-award-winning author of speculative and contemporary fiction, she teaches writing at festivals, libraries and schools, judges various literary awards, mentors and edits other writers, and encourages everyone to value the importance of creativity. She loves movies, frogs, chocolate, and potatoes, though not at the same time!

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