You’re invited to ANOTHER book launch! Actually, a few…

zena-shapter-sci-phi-journal-let-the-tempest-hold-me-downIt’s been a crazy busy month!

First up, I have to tell you about an anthology that’s just been released, which includes my story “Let The Tempest Hold Me Down”:

If creatures lived in our mist and steam, cloud and skies, Tek would be one of them. Frustrated by tradition, however, he’s long believed in leading a different life and when tragedy strikes close to home, he’s more determined than ever to prove himself. Only hindsight will reveal how devastating his actions will be…

The anthology is published by Hugo-finalist Sci Phi Journal and is on sale now as both a print book and ebook through this link.

zena-shapter-a-fearsome-engine-launchTalking of anthologies, my short story “Like the Web of a Swamp Spider” is soon to be published in the first ever Northern Beaches Writers’ Group anthology “A Fearsome Engine”, a collection of stories that explore mankind’s relationship with technology, and you’re invited to the launch!

zena-shapter-a-fearsome-engine-proofCome for a quick drinkie after work to celebrate this insightful anthology on Friday 18th November, 6.30-7.30pm, at Manly’s Sunkissed Bar & Grill. Bring the kids, or come alone for a sneaky! The proof copy arrived the other day and it’s looking fabulous!

What’s my story about? Well, friendship is about forgiving each others’ mistakes, and accepting others for who they are… only in some situations that’s easier said than done. Salee must respond to the challenges of living on a distant planet according to the technology available.

If you’d like to come along to the launch, you can RSVP via the Facebook event here or use the contact page here. See you in Manly!

Talking of Manly, I had the lovely experience of teaching some creative writing secrets to a bunch of twenty teenagers these school holidays at Manly Library. The workshop was called ‘Vividness & Voice‘, and my students loved it so much they gave me a round of applause at the end! Aw, special moments!


I hope I get the same response when I speak this Friday at the pre-launch party for Z.F. Kingbolt‘s speculative fiction novel “Into Tordon“, which is all booked out!



The posters are in the bookshop, the nibbles, refreshments, puzzles and colouring-in competition are all finally organised, author copies are in the house (and since there nine of us, there are quite a few!), there’s even a book blast page here and pre-orders are available through NewSouth Books, Booktopia and QBD… I can’t wait! See you in Balgowlah!

Next month, there will also an Adelaide launch of “Into Tordon”, to which you’re also invited! Come along at 2pm to Shakespeare’s Bookshop in Blackwood. See you in Adelaide!

I actually let my daughter start reading “Into Tordon” the other day (there have to be some perks to being the child of one of the authors!), and she says, “it’s the best thing I’ve ever read, out of anything.” Aw, more special moments!

Posting my signed copy to its reader!

Posting my signed copy to its reader!

Another special moment this month was receiving my first email request for a signed copy of one of my books, which was lovely. It’s so nice to know I’m in readers’ thoughts.

If anyone else would like a signed copy of anything I’ve written, please don’t hesitate to get in touch! I know not everyone can make it to launches or author events, and I appreciate all the support you can offer.

More news to come, but I’d better get back to work now… on my next project!






Zena Shapter

Zena Shapter writes from a castle in a flying city hidden by a thundercloud, reaching across age and genre into the heart of storytelling. A multi-award-winning author of speculative and contemporary fiction, she teaches writing at festivals, libraries and schools, judges various literary awards, mentors and edits other writers, and encourages everyone to value the importance of creativity. She loves movies, frogs, chocolate, and potatoes, though not at the same time!


  1. Phew busy woman! Great about Ophelia. Exciting!

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